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Toybob Timeline
Toybob 起源於俄羅斯,有著悠久而有趣的歷史。
Originating from Russia, the Toybob has a long, interesting history.
埃琳娜·克拉斯尼琴科 (Elena Krasnichenko) 在俄羅斯羅斯托夫地區的家外領養了一隻流浪貓。根據她的描述,這隻貓除了尾巴非常扭結之外,看起來就像一隻經典暹羅貓。
Elena Krasnichenko adopted a stray from outside her home in the Rostov Region of Russia. By her accounts, the cat looked like an old-style Siamese, except for its very kinked tail.
On her way back from work, Krasnichenko's mother picks up another stray and brings it home. This time a seal-point female kitten with an unusual curled bobbed tail.
克拉斯尼琴科收養的兩隻海豹重點貓繁育出一隻短尾雄性小貓,她將其命名為“Kutsyi”,成為此品種的祖先,並以“Kuts”命名貓舍。如今,所有 Toybob 貓都可以直接追溯到 Kutsyi。
The breeding of Krasnichenko's two adopted seal-point cats produced a tiny bobbed tail male kitten, which she named "Kutsyi" and became the Toybob breed's progenitor and the namesake for her "Kuts" cattery. Today, all Toybob cats can be traced directly to Kutsyi.
Krasnichenko attends her first cat exhibition with a fully mature Kutciy, where he is mistaken for a kitten.
Early 1990s
The breed was registered with a couple of Russian associations and known as "Skif-Thai-Don" (also known in the more extended form, Skif-Thai-Toy-Don).
俄羅斯貓科動物書籍作者兼世界貓聯合會 (WCF) 評委 Olga S. Mironova 博士為這隻貓起了新名字“Toybob”。
Russian feline book author and World Cat Federation (WCF) judge Dr. Olga S. Mironova dubbed the cat with the new name, “Toybob.”
第一批有記錄的 Toybob 貓抵達美國,是一對,一隻名叫“Zhora”的雄性貓,還有一隻同父異母的妹妹。然而,它們的主人伊戈爾(Igor)和拉里薩(Larissa)(姓氏不詳)由於缺乏資源和經驗,並沒有追求它們的認可。
The first documented Toybob cats arrive in the United States, a pair, a male named "Zhora" and a half-sister. However, their owners, Igor and Larissa (surname unavailable), did not pursue their recognition due to a lack of resources and experience.
Late 1990s
俄羅斯烏拉爾 Si-Savat 貓舍(不活躍)的培育員 Alexis Abramchuk 通過將家貓添加到血統中,擴展了品種,為該品種的發展做出了貢獻。
A Ural Russia-based breeder Alexis Abramchuk of Si-Savat cattery (inactive) contributed to the breed development by adding domestic cats to the lineage, extending the breed.
Early to late 2000s
該品種變得非常稀缺。小天使貓舍(不活躍)的俄羅斯培育員 Natalia Fedyaeva 從 Abramchuck 那裡購買了一對,並進一步擴大了基因庫。透過添加在她所在地區當地發現的具有相似表型的家貓和其他具有相似表型的品種,引入了新的顏色、花紋和毛髮長度。 Fedyaeva 開始在 WCF 的「未識別品種」類別中展示她的貓。
The breed became highly scarce. Russian breeder, Natalia Fedyaeva of Little Angel cattery (inactive), acquires a pair from Abramchuck and further expands the gene pool. Introduces new colors, patterns, and hair lengths by adding domestic cats of similar phenotypes found locally in her area and other similarly phenotyped breeds. Fedyaeva began to exhibit her cats in WCF's "Unrecognized Breed" category.
新玩具豆貓由歐洲緬甸培育員 Mila Denny 進口到美國,專注於在美國進一步發展和推廣該品種。
New Toybob cats were imported to the United States by European Burmese breeder Mila Denny, focusing on further developing and advancing the breed in the United States.
該品種在國際貓協會 (TICA) 中進入“實驗”狀態,通用名稱為 Toybob。
The breed entered "Experimental" status within The International Cat Association (TICA) under the general name Toybob.
在DVM Anna Gromova 博士的領導下,大多數TICA 註冊的Toybob 貓舍開始齊心協力,成立了「國際Toybob 貓俱樂部」(ITCC),重點是品種推廣、指導新培育員以及提高該品種在TICA 內的認可度以及全球其他貓愛好者協會。
A majority of TICA registered Toybob catteries led by Dr. Anna Gromova, DVM, began working cohesively together, forming the "International Toybob Cat Club" (ITCC) with a focus on breed promotion, mentoring new breeders, and advancing the breed's recognition within TICA and throughout other Cat Fanciers associations worldwide.
The breed gained Championship in several professional cat associations in its native country.
ITCC 現在在Margo Hill 夫人的指導下,與遺傳學家Leslie A. Lyons 博士對該品種進行了首次基因測試,結果表明玩具豆貓有自己的尾巴突變,並且與任何其他短尾品種或馬恩島貓都沒關係。
The ITCC, now under the direction of Mrs. Margo Hill, performed the breed's first-ever genetic testing with geneticist Dr. Leslie A. Lyons with results demonstrating the Toybob has its own tail mutation and is unrelated to any other bobtail breed nor Manx.
年初,Toybob(僅限海豹重點)在 WCF 中首次獲得了俄羅斯本土以外的錦標賽資格,並在 TICA 中從實驗階段晉升為「僅限註冊」。
At the beginning of the year, the Toybob (seal point only) gained its first Championship status outside of its native Russia within WCF and advanced within TICA from Experimental to "Registration Only."
克拉斯尼琴科的新計畫「小貓衝向救援」獲得了俄羅斯聯邦的政府撥款,該品種可以作為殘疾和自閉症兒童的治療貓。 Toybob 在北美貓愛好者聯合會 (CFF) 中首次獲得冠軍地位。諷刺的是,北美貓協會於1995年首次接觸該品種。
Krasnichenko's new project "Baby Cats Rush to the Rescue" receives a government grant from the Russian Federation for the breed to work as therapy cats for disabled and autistic children. The Toybob gains its first Championship status within North America in the Cat Fanciers' Federation (CFF). Ironically, the North American cat association to have first contact with the breed in 1995.
年初,Toybob 在 TICA 中從僅限註冊升級為“初步新品種”。 春天,玩具豆貓被貓愛好者協會 (CFA) 納入「雜項」類別,成為第 45 個認可的品種。 Toybob 在美國愛貓人士協會 (ACFA) 的北美地區獲得了第二個冠軍地位。
Early in the year, the Toybob is advanced from Registration Only to "Preliminary New Breed" within TICA. In the Spring, the Toybob became The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) 45th recognized breed when accepted in their "Miscellaneous" Class. The Toybob achieves its second Championship status in North America within the American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA).
由於 TICA 一貫的不當行為,ITCC 停止了與協會的合作。 Toybob 獲得了新成立的國際協會 Loving Cats Worldwide (LCWW) 的冠軍地位。
Due to consistent malfeasance from TICA, the ITCC stops working with the association. The Toybob is granted Championship status with the newly formed international association, Loving Cats Worldwide (LCWW).
秋季,CFA 授予玩具豆貓冠軍地位,從 2025 年春季賽季開始生效。
In the Fall, CFA grants the breed Championship Status, effective starting the Spring show season 2025.
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